Will Increasing Brown Fat be the Most Effective Treatment in Addressing Obesity?

Brown fat has once again been drawing attention after the new weight loss pill Exipure, came out with an introductory 100% Guarantee of weight loss results. The guarantee was up for 6 months, the longest period within which the pills take effect to boost brown fat production. According to the Exipure website, the formulation activates fat burning processes by recruiting or converting white fat into brown fat.


Not a few of those who tried the supplement claimed experiencing weight loss in as early as 4 months. Generally, positive reviews came from users who also adhered to diets that excluded high calorie processed foods and have active lifestyles.

Actually scientific studies supporting the weight loss approach of reducing body fat by increasing brown fat, involve only testing the effects of plant-derived phenolic compounds on lab mice. Observations and proofs that phytochemicals are effective agents in turning white fat into thermogenic brown fat, were mostly taken from test tube results and from animal models.

A Glimpse at The Brown Fat Diet Introduced in 2009

In 2009, a plastic surgeon named Dr. James R. Lyons, introduced a 4-week diet and exercise regimen called The Brown Fat Diet. The goals of the regimen include helping women build lean muscles and to increase brown fat levels. Doing so aimed to remove the white fatty tissues that end up as layers of subcutaneous fat.

Aside from eating healthy most of the time, The Brown Fat Diet required at least a 12-week (3-month) exercise program. The duration allows the fat browning effect to work effectively in burning, rather than storing fatty acids in cells.

Although The Brown Fat Diet seemed to have presented a possible treatment for excessive weight and obesity, it turned out that no direct studies on its effect on humans actually supported the efficiency of the 4-week diet and exercise regimen.

What Types of Food are Allowed by The Brown Fat Diet

Bear in mind that the efficiency of the food recommended in The Brown Fat Diet were mostly observed in lab mice. Green tea, cabbage, berries, red wine, spinach and herbs like thyme and oregano, demonstrated efficiency in browning stored fats. The spicy component of hot peppers known as capsaicin, and the curcumin component of turmeric, are effective in activating thermogenesis in brown fat tissues.

The 4-week regimen developed lean muscles and built brown fat by switching between Protein Days and Carb Days. To help the body maintain proper metabolism, eating six times a day, especially after every workout, is practiced.

Yet many found it difficult to keep up with The Brown Fat Diet since the regimen required buying and cooking food from scratch. It also discourages indulging in processed foods, high-calorie baked treats and fast food meals. Apparently, the most important factor that would make any weight loss plan work, is lifestyle change; one that makes people less prone to eating unhealthy meals.
