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You’ll find countless of diet programs available. Some people may find it difficult to stick with a diet because there’s not one that feels like the perfect fit for their lifestyle and food preferences. But, by narrowing your choices, you can find a diet that meets your needs.

Low-Carbohydrate, Low-Fat (Or “LCLF”) 

Low-carbohydrate diets have been around since the 1920s and have made a resurgence in recent years.

They help you lose weight through limiting carbohydrates, which typically provide about 20 percent of your total daily caloric intake.

This type of diet is also known as a ketogenic or keto diet, as it causes the body to use fat as fuel instead of sugar from carbohydrates.

Low Glycemic Index 

A low glycemic index diet is designed to keep blood sugar at an even level throughout the day. It does so by focusing on eating foods that contain low levels of carbohydrates and high levels of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Foods with high glycemic indices will spike your blood sugar quickly, but these spikes won’t last long. Low glycemic diets help regulate blood glucose levels and keep appetite under control – both helpful when losing weight.